Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Exceptions to the Sequel Rule?

Ok, so I know I've complained about games going down hill after the initial title. However, there are games that get better as they make new ones. My best example would be the Battlefield series. Remember the original Battlefield? Now compare that to Battlefield 2. Then compare that to Battlefield: Bad Company 2. They've made the game much better. Making more of a team effort kind of game. More so than Battlefield 2, because now you have certain classes with very specific jobs. Making a good squad unstoppable!

There are other games that are exceptions as well, but this is the best example I could think of. Feel free to mention some others!


  1. Please don't tell me you're saying Battlefield 2 is better than Battlefield 1942. At least the PC versions, anyways.

  2. Alot of oldschool games have sequels way better than the originals but i dont think your talking about nes games

  3. @Max Steel
    I'm talking about more modern day games. But, Zelda is a good example too.

  4. I enjoyed halo 2 more than the original (The single player at least). I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head.

  5. Half life 2 maybe?
    They are both amazing games anyway.

  6. there actually wasn't a original battlefield. It started as Battlefield 1942 (its expansions), then Vietnam, THEN 2. Bad company 1 was brilliant just not expanded enough, that's why 2 is amazing. either way, totally following your stuff man, you make good points.

  7. I've enjoyed every single battlefield game out there. This is one series I have never lost faith in.

  8. Battlefield 1942 is an amazing game that i cant seem to get over. I dont feel the need to play the others especially after i tried Battlefield 1 and it wasnt as good.

  9. starcraft 2? i also agree with the halo idea, and then mario games were getting better for a bit and then they hit a brick wall and suck...

  10. @VGBlogger,
    Even though SC2 is pretty much the same formula with many alterations, I agree that it quite an improvement. Except then there's b.net 2.0.

  11. halo then halo 2 (after halo 2 tho downhill imo) halo2 best game of all time :)
